国公司为主体。跨国公司就像日本的三井帝国一样,成为产业价值链的组织者。 这里的关键不是互联网+和+互联网,而是用互联网的方式重新表达你的价值创造过程,从而极大地提高你的价值创造能力。这是一个融合的过程,融合的主体应该是互联网。换言之,如何按照互联网的要求,重构你的业务系统,重构你的价值创造过程。 这就像蒸汽机出现之后的情景一样,按照蒸汽机的要求,及其他能量,重构原来的产品创造过程,包括在可以获取更大效率的环节,以机器代替人力。为了机器代替人力,对传统手工作业过程进行分解,分解成一个个细小的工序,并导入标准化的手段,形成规范化的制作流程,以及对作业过程进行管理,等等。 就像德鲁克所说的那样,近代战争是以机器为特征的,并沿用了生产作业过程的组织方式。这一点我们这代人是领教过了,海湾战争与第一、二次世界大战的方式完全不同,是以信息数据为特征的,采用的是互联网化的组织方式。 包子堂从事的是教育领域,一直希望利用互联网来展开组织与管理学的教育事业。从2015年年底开始,我们就努力与互联网的原住民接触,寻找与互联网接轨的机会。我们得到了一个清晰的概念,互联网架构的机会渺茫且很烧钱。 从2016年4月开始,我们就希望与互联网化的公司进行合作。本着成就他人、成就自己的原则,我们与长生天成、华阳、恩源、知学云、亚信、中移在线、云学堂,等等,进行过深入的交流和接触,探讨如何结成深度的战略合作伙伴关系,并基于这种紧密的一体化关系进行有效的分工协作。7人靠本事吃饭 有人问我,你靠什么吃饭?自食其力,靠本事吃饭。 刚上大学的时候,暑假时,我在学校找了一个活当小工,勤工俭学,跟几个小伙子,拉着大水泥滚筒,来回碾压,平整操场。一天1元,干得挺欢,既挣钱,又锻炼身体。 有同学说我,不回老家看看,干那活儿干什么,这挣不了什么钱。我不这么想,该自食其力了。我没什么本事,只能干点粗活,这叫以人力代替驴马。再说了,我这一身肉,闲着也是一种浪费。 说句老实话,那个假期我还真的没挣到什么钱,饭量增加了,伙食改善了,买了一件好看一点的衣服,还换了一双新鞋。人工修操场,既费袜子又费鞋。 学会一种生活方式,自食其力的生活方式,终身受益。向内求索,不向外乞讨,一个人会变得强大起来,心智模式也会变得强大起来。人的内在潜力是很大的,没必要在被逼无奈、无路可走的时候才想起自我开发。 不久,我又上了一个台阶,告别了卖苦力的人生,学会了讲课挣钱的本事。我第一次讲课,没被人轰下来,讲了一天,讲得口干舌燥,挣了10元,外加1元的车贴。我心里美滋滋的,觉得自己长本事了。 从前我特别羡慕那些能侃的同学,尤其是北京同学,张口就来,滔滔不绝。 记得有个家伙跟我说,要是手一份,嘴一份,人生的路就会越走越宽。是呀,嘴能说,手能写,就会像鸟儿一样,自由自在,翱翔天空。 大学毕业的那个暑假,我第一次走江湖,与两个同学携手,去山东招远讲课,挣了300元。一小时5元,讲了60小时,上午、下午,有时晚上,平均每天讲10小时。等到研究生毕业,我已经是学校有名的万元户了。 人家是仗剑走江湖,我是讲课走江湖,跟打擂台差不多。为了不被人轰下来,我坚持手不释卷,一周一本,都是专业的书。我经常跟学生讲,也许我看过的书没你们多,但我看懂的书肯定比你们多。看不懂就讲不出来,我看书从不浮皮潦草、自欺欺人。 看书是一种能力,需要勤学苦练,没有人可以轻易获得这种能力。智力胜过体力,需要苦练的程度也应该超过体力。吃不了这个苦,也体会不到其中的乐,根本练就不了这种能力。说有多难,关键看导师是谁。 我有一个徒弟,问如何才能达到我的境界,我说关键是看书,从书本中吸取知识和营养。然后他模仿我的讲课方式,把我讲的背下来,这里面有我从导师那里传承过来的思维方式。 很久后,他又问我,怎么能够讲到一天1万元?我想这家伙肯定掉钱眼儿里了。如果一个人不把注意力集中在能力的发展上,是不会有出息的,不会成为一个自食其力的人,不会成为一个靠本事吃饭的人,最终只能在江湖上瞎混,成为一个十足的投机取巧的人。 这就像一个赌徒一样,开始只是觉得好玩,一不小心,蚀了本钱,越陷越深,最终成了一个十足的赌徒,白白浪费了青春年华,一点本事都没长。 我语重心长地告诫他,功到自然成,如果你值这个价,别人就会付这个钱。开始的时候,就当练手,钱少点怕什么?你也可以花钱请人来听课,请别人陪你练。他说,这不可以吧?意思是,这太丢人了! 丢一次人怕什么?怕的是丢一辈子人。出钱请人来听课怕什么?怕的是一辈子出钱请人来听课,怕的是当一辈子吃瓜群众,花钱听人神侃。 现在的一些年轻人,好多话都听不进去。我真的认为,劝人读书,劝人靠本事吃饭太难了。人与人生8人为什么要活着 绝大部分人没有想过这个问题,更不要 CRISIS MANAGEMENT危机公关 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 1. Introduction 简介 01 01 2. Crisis Communications Principles危机公关原则 ROLES RESPONSIBILITIES 角色 职责 3. Guidelines for a Hotel PR Representative 酒店公关代表指导方针 4. Crisis Communications Action Sequence 危机公关行动步骤 5. PR Information Collation – Coordination with Operations 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 6. What to do when the Media Turns up 媒体应对 7. Managing a Press Conference 记者招待会 07 13 15 02 03 Guidelines for Spokesperson 代言人指导方针 8. Interview Tips for TV, Radio and Press 9. Dos and Donts 20 20 PROCEDURES PROCESSES 政策程序 10. Media Call Screening 媒体来电 11. Clearance Process for Media Releases 媒体发布程序 12. Call Channeling 电线 CRISIS MANAGEMENT 危机公关 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 SCENARIOS, TOOLS TEMPLATES 预测场景、工具 格式 13. Holding Statements and QAs 组织陈述 以及 问答 a) Fire/Explosion/Minor Injury 火灾/爆炸/轻微伤害 b) Food poisoning/Water contamination 食物中毒/水污染 c) Political Unrest 政治动乱 d) Rape 强奸 e) Bomb Threat 爆炸 恐吓 f) Epidemic/Infectious Disease 流行性疾病/传染病-禽流感 – Avian Influenza 14. Terrorism Reporting 报道 15. Web Logs 网络日志 Media Log Sheet 媒体登记表 52 55 57 30 34 36 38 40 42 CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS PRINCIPLES 危机公关原则 This Crisis Communications Manual, is an addendum to Inzone tourism group high-star hotels operation development Administration Incident Crisis Manual Asia Pacific. It contains a set of procedures for the hotel PR Manager to guide him/her in communicating with the media during and after a crisis. 本危机公关手册致力于银座旅游集团高星级酒店发展部应对所属酒店危机事件及危机管理之准则,包括 指导本部之所属酒店公共关系经理处理应对危机媒体公关以及危机后媒体公关的处理。 The PR Manager should familiarise himself/herself with the Crisis Communications procedure. 要求酒店公共关系经理必须熟知危机公关程序。 Please contact at tel: mobile: for further clarification. 如有任何疑问请致电银座旅游集团高星级酒店事业部公关联系人:xxx 电线 Crises attract considerable media interest and scrutiny. The public will form an impression of the crisis and Inzone tourism group high-star hotels operation development Administration from the way media enquiries are handled. Badly handled, the media can damage the reputation of our administration far more than the crisis itself. Therefore, it is vital that all media enquiries are handled efficiently and in a timely manner. 危机事件非常吸引公众的视线。因此从我们如何处理媒体询问的方式上公众就足以形成对此次事件的认 识以及对银座旅游集团高星级酒店事业 部的印象,如果处理不好,媒体的报导比危机事件本身更可能损 害本部的形象。因此,所有的媒体询问都必须得到及时有效的处理是至关重要的。 Crisis Communications Principles 危机公关规范准则 Handling a crisis requires common sense at lightning speed. The first principle is to respond quickly and to do what is right for those affected. The Crisis Response Team (CRT) should operate under the premise that if it is doing what is right for the victims, it is doing what is right for the company and its reputation. The same messages should also be incorporated into all company communications relating to the crisis. 处理危机事件需要光速的反应加上众所周知的常识。第一原则就是要反应迅速,对受影响的人采取恰当 的做法。酒店 CRT(危机处理小组)的处理前提就是安抚受害者,以采取的行动对企业利益以及企 业声誉是最好的保障为前提。该宗旨同样适用于涉及危机之所有所属企业的公共关系准则 Always consider the following key messages in any communications: 在任何信息沟通中永远考虑下列关键信息 Safety of staff and consumers 保护员工及顾客安全 Security of our assets 保护财产安全 Protocol of action 按制定的计划行动 The Crisis Response Team will operate under the following principles: 危机处理小组应在下列原则下处理危机事件: CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS PRINCIPLES 危机公关原则 The health and safety of our consumers, the public and our employees come first. We will offer help immediately and communicate it showing sincere concern for those affected and a desire to help in any way possible. 客人,公众和员工的健康和安全排在首位,及时向事件中受影响的人员竭尽全力的提供力 所能及的协助,并向他们致以最真切的关怀。 Response must be rapid. We will acknowledge the situation to all audiences, including the media, quickly. We will be judged on how we handle the crisis during the first critical minutes and hours. 反应必须迅速。及时向包括媒体在内的所有公众公布最新的状况。能否在第一时间做出反应 会被作为是否恰当处理危机的判断标准。 We will always tell the truth, and we will not make up answers in the absence of fact, under the pressure of questioning. 我们会永远公布实情,绝不在缺少事实依据和外界质询的压力下编造谎言 We will notify upper class administration of the situation and our actions (personally, not through the media). 我们会告知上级行政主管单位发生的事件及我们采取的行动(亲自通知而非通过媒介曝光) We will conduct the first press briefing as soon as is practicably possible and provide media updates on a regular basis. 我们会尽可能快的准备新闻简报并定期提供媒体最新信息 Crisis communi cation starts with top management; therefore, wherever possible, we will provide access to company leaders and specialists. 危机信息沟通总是源于高管层,因此,只要可能我们会及时与公司领导和专家进行沟通。 CRISIS COMUNICATIONS ACTION SEQUENCE 危机公关行动步骤 The demands upon the hotel PR Representative become more intensive during a crisis. The checklist below outlines the action steps to be taken by the Hotel PR Representative before, during and after a crisis. 危机时期对酒店公关代表的要求相应增加,酒店公关代表需在危机前、危机中、危机后按照以下提纲式 目录所列步骤展开行动: Keep in close touch with the Crisis Response Team. Constantly update yourself with crisis developments, actions taken. Know what to say, when to say it, who should say it and who to communicate with. 与危机处理小组保持密切联系。熟知危机发展以及所有行动措施,知晓需要说什么,何时去说,谁将 去说以及与谁进行沟通交流。 Responsible for media management 负责媒体管理 Craft key messages for the media 媒体关键信息编纂 Brief the spokesperson 给发言人做简报 Collate media queries 整理媒体询问 Develop media responses through collated feedback from internal and external sources 通过内、外反馈意见资源信息的整合发展媒体回应 - Coordinate Press Conference (if held) and media interviews 组织记者招待会(若需举行)以及媒体采访 Before a potential crisis – get prepared 潜在危机发生之前---做好准备 Prepare initial holding statements; get approval from senior management (your GM and/or RGM ) and Inzone tourism group corporate communications and public relations as required), legal authorities and relevant third parties, if any 准备发言稿;经管理层(总经理/住店经理)以及银座旅游集团高星级酒店事业部、法律权威专家审 批。 Anticipate and prepare for possible issues 预知以及准备任何可能发生的议题 Prepare QAs 准备问题答案 Establish a strong media network 建立强大有力的媒体网络 Designate venue for press conference or briefing 选定记者招待会或简报场地 Arrange for media training of spokesperson 为新闻发言人做媒体培训 During the crisis 危机中 Page 3 CRISIS COMUNICATIONS ACTION SEQUENCE 危机公关行动步骤 Act FAST. Focus on confirmation of facts (who, what, when, where why) 行动迅捷。着重确认各项事实(人物,事件,时间,地点,原因) Funnel prepared outgoing media statements through GM and legal counsel, 通过总经理和法律顾问渠道将事先准备好的媒体陈述对外发布 Isolate the crisis. Identify affected areas and areas not affected. Prevent speculation panic 危机隔离。确认受影响以及未受影响区域 ,防止臆断以及恐慌 Quickly brief hotel staff where to channel calls 快速通知酒 店员工信息传递方式 Update spokesperson on status of crisis as facts come to light 结合危机状况事实的显露向发言人更新信息 Assume the situation will get worse. Anticipate and prepare responses for critical questions 假设事态演变严重,预知并准备关键性问题回复 Seize opportunities to reinforce positive key messages 抢抓机会去强化积极的关键信息 Keep a media log of callers and questions 就媒体来电以及询问做好保留日志 Manage information flow to prevent distortion of facts speculation 妥善处理信息流以防止歪曲的事实以及臆断 Arrange for a press conference, if necessary 如有必要组织安排记者招待会 Monitor media coverage and address inaccuracies 监测媒体报道并做好事实重申 Collate positive stories 收集积极报道题材 After the Crisis 危机后 Do a debrief to review communication strategies 概要性回顾危机公关策略 Review all media coverage and editorials (correct inaccuracies if any) 检查所有媒体报道和社论(如有,纠正错误) Page 4 CRISIS COMUNICATIONS ACTION SEQUENCE 危机公关行动步骤 Assess public and media perception of the organisation 组织评估公众以及媒体的看法反映 Remember to update your website information 谨记更新网站信息 Monitor organisation reputation and standing with public and media 监测企业在公众以及媒体方面的声誉和地位 Implement re-marketing strategies. Consider image rebuilding measures 贯彻执行新的市场策略。考虑形象重建措施。 Anticipate if any issues remain with the public and media 预知公众及媒体是否留有任何问题 Measure results of your crisis management tactics and strategies as soon as possible 尽快审核危机管理策略执行结果 Page 5 CRISIS COMUNICATIONS ACTION SEQUENCE 危机公关行动步骤 The following is a general sequence of actions for the Hotel PR Rep during a crisis. Variations may occur as the crisis unfolds. The key is proper channeling of media calls, constant collation of information and media queries and timely communications. This needs to be followed up with media monitoring and responses where appropriate. 以下为 公关代表 危机处理系列行动 计划表。鉴于危机 种类的不同,危机 处理的关 键在于正确的媒体 传呼渠道,信息传 递的一致性以及媒 体询问沟通的及时 性。这需要媒体监 控以及反应的合理 跟进 Crisis 危机 Collate Information 信息收集 Brief Front Desk/ Reception Operators Sales 简报前厅/接待中心销售 Standby 备用 Draft Holding Statements 起草发言 Disseminate 传播 Yes 是 Draft QAs 问答草稿 No 否 Yes 是 Brief Hotel Call Centre/Operator CRO / Draft Scripts 概述呼叫中心/总机危机响应小组/草案 No 否 Yes 是 Press Conference? 记者招待会? No 否 M O N I T O R M E D I A R E P O R T S 媒 体 报 道 监 测 Page 6 PR INFORMATION CO LLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH Asking the right questions aids the PR representative to collate pertinent information, craft media statements, brief the Hotel Spokesperson. Ensure that members of the Crisis Response Team feed important information to you as and when it becomes available. 提出正确的问题以协助公关代表整理有关资料、修饰媒体发言,介绍酒店发言人。 确保危机反应小组在可以提供重要的信息可用信息之时能够反馈到你 Let your respective heads of departments know the type of information you need. Explain that you need this to effectively deal with the media and protect hotel reputation and guest confidence. Information needs to be conveyed accurately and speedily to meet media deadlines. 让您各自部门的负责人知道您所需要的信息类型。说明您需要根据该等信息去有效地处理与媒体的沟通 以确保酒店的声誉和客户的信任。信息需要在最后期限内准确快捷地传到至媒体 Remember to establish a flow of information. Your colleagues are very busy during crises; you have to chase people to get regular updates as numbers and other information change with time (eg. status of situation, number of casualties, closure and opening of facilities/hotel, etc) 请记住,必须建立一个信息流。您的同事是在危机期间非常繁忙,您必须以追逐的方式以期得到各 相关人员定期给予的信息更新以及其他随时间而改变的信息(如形势状况,造成的伤亡人数,功能设施 的关闭和开放/酒店等) Be well armed with information about the situation. Explain that you need to know more background information to be able to explain simply and clearly to the public. Assure that you will exercise discretion on what to release and clear with your bosses prior to communicating with external parties. 以良好的信息武装控制形势。解释说您需要得到并了解更多的背景信息以便能够对公众做好清晰简练的 解释。在对外信息沟通之前要首先确保与您的上级领导慎重沟通过需要公布及澄清的信息 1. Casualties 人员伤亡 People, lives and safety are top priority 人员、生命、安全应予首要考虑 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Ascertain if there are any injuries or deaths. 弄清查明是否有任何的死亡或受伤者 What is the extent and nature of injury(ies)? 上海(受伤者)的性质以及范围是什么? Get number of people involved. 事故人员名册 Have they been sent to hospital? Which hospital? 他们是否已经被送往医院?哪家? Have their family members and next-of-kin been informed? 是否已通知他们的家属和近亲? 1.6 Will the hotel be sending staff to visit casualties in hospital? 酒店是否将安排员工去医院探访受伤人员? 1.7 Is hotel providing other forms of assistance? (eg. in repatriation, if needed) 酒店 是否提供其他的援助(比如如有需要遣返回国) Page 7 PR INFORMATION COLLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH 1.8 Did hotel staff go out of their way to assist guests? How? 是否有酒店员工乐意的帮助了客人?怎样的帮助? 1.9 Are there more people to be located? How many are still missing? 人员是否得到了最大的安置?还有多少失踪者? 1.10 What is being done to locate them? 如何进行安置人员? 1.11 How can family members get information/updates about the status of their loved ones? 如何能够让其家人得到不断更新的人员现状信息 1.12 Contact details of information sources.根据信息源进行详细的联系 Page 8 PR INFORMATION COLLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH 2. Where Safety and Health is Concerned 关注安全与健康 2.1 2.2 What will be the impact on guest safety? 什么将会影响到客人的安全? What are the risks? What is the likelihood that risks will increase? 有哪些风险?风险的可能性会怎样增加? 2.3 2.4 2.5 Which areas are at risk, and which are not? 哪些区域有危机隐患,哪些没有? Have risk areas been identified? 危机隐患区域是否已经被确实? Have risk areas been isolated and contained? 危机隐患区域是否已经被隔离或者被包含? 2.6 2.7 What is the worst and best case scenario? 最好和最坏的案例场景是什么? Was negligence involved on the part of staff? Was there a failure of equipment or systems? How? 是否疏忽涉及的部分工作人员?是否有故障的设备或系统?如何? 2.8 What is being done to address the lapses in people, equipment or systems? 正在做什么以解决人员、设备或系统的失误? 2.9 What precautions/safety measures can/will the hotel take? 酒店将采取什么预防措施/安全规程? 2.10 Who else is hotel working with to manage the situation? 酒店将与谁共同进行危机控制? 2.11 What additional resources/expertise have been mobilized to manage the situation? 是否已通知到其他的援助力量以协助进行形势掌控? 2.12 What advice can hotel give to guests and staff? 什么信息是酒店给可以提供给客人以及员工? 2.13 Has precautionary measures/advice been communicated to guests and staff? 采取的预防措施/意见是否已传达给客人和雇员? 3. Property Damage 财产损失 3.1 3.2 3.3 Which parts of the hotel has been damaged? 酒店饿哪些部位被损害? How serious is it? 问题有多严重? Does it affect safety? 是否涉及安全问题? Page 9 PR INFORMATION COLLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Who assessed the safety of the hotel? Government department, professional engineer? Etc? 谁对酒店做安全评估?是政府机构、工程技术专家..? Will hotel continue op erations or will parts of it/ all of it have to close?酒店是否将继续营业 或者部分区域营业/全部关闭? How long will repairs take? 修复期? Will repaired facilities be bigger and better? How will that benefit guests? 将被修复的地方会更大更好吗?给客人的益处将会是什么? 3.8 3.9 What facilities will continue to operate as usual? 哪些设施设备是可以继续正常使用的? What other measures are being taken? Eg. clean-up, etc 是否其他方面的措施正在进行? 整顿? Page 10 PR INFORMATION COLLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH 4. Impact on Business 生意冲击 4.1 4.2 Will hotel continue to operate as usual? Why? 酒店是否继续正常运营?为什么? Will hotel be staging remarketing activities to attract more traffic to the hotel? 酒店是否将分段重新调整营销策略以吸引更多生意流量? 4.3 4.4 Will hotel be launching promotions?酒店是否推出促销活动? How does hotel feel about the situation, going forward? 如何感知酒店形势,继续向前迈进? 4.5 What does hotel have to say to guests, owners and the public? 酒店该如何向客人、业主以及公众作出解释? 4.6 Are additional staff being sent from sister hotels to bridge the current situation? 是否有兄弟酒店援助力量来弥补当前形势? 4.7 4.8 4.9 Where from and how many? 从哪里来,有多少? Will hotel be able to uphold normal service levels during the situation? To what level? By when?酒店能否在危机形势下维持正常服务水准?到什么程度?何时? Is there a need to channel guests to sister / other hotels in the vicinity? Which ones? 是否有必要疏散酒店客人到兄弟酒店或者邻近酒店?哪一些? 4.10 Have call centres/reservations, etc been informed?电话预订中心/接待处等是否被告知? 5. Crime/Political Unrest/Terrorism 犯罪/政治动乱/ 5.1 5.2 What has hotel done to step up security? 酒店所采取的安保措施? Is hotel working with authorities to deal with situation? Which ones? 是否与官方权利机构协作处理危机?哪一些? 5.3 5.4 5.5 Is there a risk of recurrence? Why?有无危机复发的风险?为什么? What is being done to address the situation?采取了什么措施来处理这些情况? What assurances can hotel give to guests and the public? 酒店能够为客人以及公众提供的保障有哪些? 5.6 What is the general advice/precautionary measures would hotel give to guests and public? 酒店能够为客人以及公众承诺的总体意见/防范措施有哪些? Page 11 PR INFORMATION COLLATION – COORDINATION OPERATIONS 公关信息整理与运营管理之协调 WITH 5.7 Any good track record of community relations that can be cited (for political unrest) 有哪些良好的公共关系报道能够被引用(关于政治暴动) Page 12 WHAT TO DO WHEN THE MEDIA TURNS UP 媒体应对 1. View the media as your ally rather than as an adversary; treat them as professionals with legitimate duties 鉴于媒体作为你的盟友而不是敌人;要以专业的素养以及合情合理的职责对待他 们 2. Cooperate with the media. Don?t show reluctance or hesitance to work with them 与媒体合作。合作中不要显示出不愿意或犹豫不决的态度 3. Never permit unauthorised spokespersons to speak to the media. Maintain strict control to ensure that the media speaks only to authorised personnel. 绝不允许未经授权的发言人向媒体发布言论。严格控制确保仅企业授权的发言人向媒体发言。 4. Introduce yourself. Get reporter?s business card and mobile number # in case you need to get back to him/her later 自我介绍并与记者交换名片和手机电线. Do the interview sooner rather than later. Start with a statement of sympathy 采访需尽早安排。以同情(心)作为声明开始的基调 6. Unless there are identifiable victims in sight, escort the media, if allowed, to the emergency site. Pick a site which shows positive action taken to address the crisis. Don?t appear to hide something or stop the photographer from taking photographs – it?ll make them suspicious 除非现场有确认的受害者,在被允许的情况下,可以带媒体到达现场。选择一个针对危机采取了 积极有效处理措施的场所。不要表现出刻意隐瞒或阻止媒体拍照以防引发他们的怀疑 7. If the emergency site is off-limits to unauthorised personnel, escort the journalist to an alternative venue more conducive for an interview 如果紧急场所禁止非授权个人进入,陪同记者至对采访更为有利的会场 8. If the journalist photographer requests to view the emergency site, politely and firmly inform him/her that safety and security reasons do not permit any unauthorised personnel to be on site Page 13 WHAT TO DO WHEN THE MEDIA TURNS UP 媒体应对 如果记者摄影记者要求参观紧急场所,以沉稳礼貌的态度告知他们考虑到安全问题该区域禁止 任何非授权人员进入 9. Stay calm and positive. Show you?re in control of both the situation and the interview 保持冷静积极的态度。表现出对当前局势以及采访的控制力度 10. If you?re unable to furnish details to the journalist on the spot, tell him/her you will get back to him/her as soon as you?ve have the information 如果在当场无法提供记者细节信息,请告知对方您得知信息后会以最快的速度告知 Page 14 MANAGING PRESS CONFERENCE 组织新闻发布会 Once a Press Conference. is decided upon, whether it?s on-site or off-site (depending on its feasibility), use the checklist below as a guide to organise and manage the proceedings. Note the follow up to be done after the crisis ends. 一旦决定举行新闻发布会,不论是在事发 地点或者异地(根据形势灵活决定)请使用以下指南以便于组 织和管理会议流程,记录好跟进措施。 When do you hold a Press Conference? 何时举行新闻发布会? You have an important announcement, news update to make/something positive to say 必须有最新的积极的消息以确保发布重要通告 You need to reach your target audiences in the quickest possible way 必须以可行且快捷的方式通知到目标听众 You cannot communicate effectively any other way 无其他有效方式进行沟通 Pre-Press Conference Checklist记者招待会会前检查清单 Prepare Press Kits. Check Contents: Press Release, Fact Sheet, Q As (you will need to develop two different sets of QAs – one for use with media, another for internal/employee use) 准备宣传资料,检查内容:新闻稿、情况说明书、问/答(您需准备两套问/答----一份用于新闻媒 体,另一份供内部/雇员使用) Prepare press statement for spokesperson 准备发言人向新闻界发表的声明稿 Check the Physical Set-up 检查硬件设置 Prepare the Public Address system 准备发言系统 Prepare Audio-Visual equipment 准备视听设备 Check website, telephone facsimile facilities. IT team on stand-by to assist with technical matters 检查网站,电话和传真设施。 IT 团队待命,协助技术问题 Page 15 MANAGING PRESS CONFERENCE 组织新闻发布会 Brief the Spokesperson and accompanying panel members (e.g. technical advisor, if any) 向发言人以及陪同小组成员做简单介绍(比如技术顾问,如果有的话) Dry-run. Test equipment. Walk through the agenda 测试设备。流程演练。 Media Attendance List. Prepare Name Tags for confirmed journalists 媒体参会名单,为确认到会的记者准备好姓名标签。 Draw up a contact list of key personnel involved. Specify roles duties 起草一份参与会议关键人员联系名单,明确分工。 Update the management team on the outcome 向管理团队汇报最新结果 Page 16 MANAGING PRESS CONFERENCE 组织新闻发布会 Press Conference Tips: 新闻发布会提示 Onsite 现场工作 1. Ensure location is accessible, room or venue is well equipped and away from the emergency site 确保地点易于到达,房间以及场地布置良好并远离事发地点 2. Spokesperson gives media brief overview of current status of crisis 发言人将给媒体做事件简要陈述 3. Have a moderator or MC to manage the press conference and channel questions (if possible) 请会议主持组织新闻发布会以及问题沟通(如有必要) 4. Remember to put public?s interest before the company?s interest 谨记将公众利益放在企业利益之前 5. Stay focused on relevant serious issues. Deflect speculative or sensational questions 关注于相关且严肃的议题,避免推测性且耸人听闻的问题 6. Deal with interruptions firmly and politely 冷静礼貌的处理被打 断的情况 7. Repeat important key messages, highlighting steps taken/that will be taken 重复重要关键信 息,突出已采取的措施/将采取的措施 8. Record remarks, questions, responses given by media, company, government or civil authorities. Revert to journalist with information if spokesperson is unable to answer question(s) at the Press Con 记录媒体、企业、政府机构或民事当局所给予的评论,问题以及反应。跟踪发言人在新闻媒体发 布会上无法回答的问题。 Offsite 非现场其它工作 All the above points 1-8 plus:上述 1-8 点内容附加 1. Ensure that key personnel are informed of time venue of offsite location, and arrive on time 确保关键人物被通知到时间以及地点并能准时到达 2. Bring needed equipment and supplies (if not available at conference site) Page 17 MANAGING PRESS CONFERENCE 组织新闻发布会 携带所需之设施设备(如果会议地无法提供) 3. Decide if hospitality room needed for VIP or government official 决定是否为重要客人或政府官员提供食宿接待 4. Set up a space or waiting room for journalists crew; especially TV crew. 为新闻记者工作人员,尤其是电视工作者提供休息室 During the Press Conference 新闻发布会 1. PR Assistant marks attendance list as media arrives; hands each journalist a Press Kit 公关助理签到媒体到达人员,每位签到记者分发宣传资料袋 2. PR representative, as emcee, welcomes the media. Introduces Spokesperson, sets time frame: specify how much time spokesperson has time allowed for Q A 公关代表人作为司仪向媒体致欢迎词并介绍发言人,媒体发布会时间大体持续时间,并指出供发 言人回答问题的时间限制。 3. Inform media if individual interviews will be granted after the conference 通知媒体会后进行单独准许的单独采访 How to End the Press Conference 如何结束新闻发布会 1. Prepare journalists for question cut-off in the last 5 minutes. Specify how many more questions will be taken 以媒体发布会结束前五分钟告知记者还能提问的次数。 2. Round off the Press Conference politely 以礼貌的态度圆满结束新闻发布会 Say We have come to the end of the media conference, I am afraid thats all the time we have available. We need to get back to handling the incident. Well issue further statements when we have additional information. Thank you for coming today. 可以说:由于我们需要去做事件处理,很遗憾由于时间有限,媒体接待会到此结束,如有其他 补充信息我们会作进一步的发布声明。感谢各位的到场。 3. Make a graceful exit by the rear or side door decisively Page 18 MANAGING PRESS CONFERENCE 组织新闻发布会 在发布会现场侧门布置好出口并果断退出 Repeat if needed: Thank you once again for your time. 如有需要请重复:再次感谢大家 的光临 After the Press Conference 新闻媒体发布会后 1. Email or hand deliver a Press Kit to any journalist unable to attend 将新闻发布会宣传资料以邮递或电子邮件的形式送达未能参加的媒体。 2. Fulfill all promises for additional materials or responses to unanswered queries within deadline 对未作答复的疑问要履行承诺,在最后期限内对给予额外的信息提供或答复 3. 4. Update media as situation develops 根据形势发展向媒体提供信息更新 Upload press releases and key information onto your website 在网页上传新闻报道以及关键信息 5. Review all media coverage and editorials, correcting inaccuracies if any 检查所有媒体报道以及社论,如有错误请予更正 6. Keep a record of unanswered questions which may present an issue 对未作回答的问题做好记录,这可能会作为一个议题 7. 8. Update media as situation develops 根据形势发展更新媒体信息 Conduct a debrief 进行简报 Page 19 GUIDELINES FOR SPOKESPERSON 发言人须知 Dos and Donts for handling Media Interviews 媒体采访时该做和不该做的 Dos 该做的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Always remain calm, polite positive. Keep your cool and composure 任何时候都要沉着、冷静、有礼貌和何保持 积极乐观的态度。 Listen to the interviewer and respond accordingly 仔细倾听采访者的提问并认真解答。 Find out exactly what the media wants to know – get the exact wording of media questions or allegations 找出媒体真正需要的核心信息,获取提问者 核心结论 Answer only the questions asked; respond to one question at a time 只回答提问的问题; 一问一答 Make the media your ally by showing your eagerness to resolve key issues 通过表达解决问题的急切决心以博得媒体的 支持 ? ? ? ? ? Donts 不该做的 Never lose your temper, do not show fear or hysteria 切忌失态,或者表现出恐惧和歇斯底里。 Don?t lose your cool, or use industry jargon or slang 切忌不冷静的态度或用酒店业行话或俚语回 答。 Don?t skirt the issue or accusation 切忌打擦边球、模棱两可的回答 Don?t tell reporters more than they need to know. Don?t release the story in bits and pieces 切忌向提问者提供问题之外的信息。 切忌只言片语的回答 Don?t try to minimise problems. It isn?t credible, and worse, it would make your company appear ill-informed or uncaring 切忌将问题大事化小。这是不诚信和不正确 的。将会给公司给外界以信息不通的不良形 象。 Don?t apportion the blame on someone or something until investigation is complete 在事情未调查清楚前不要责备某人或某事 Don?t respond to humour, innuendo or information you?re not aware of 对有幽默、讽刺意图的提问和自己不了解的 信息不要作出回应 Never answer a quest ion you don?t understand or have not heard completely. Ask them to repeat the question 对于不了解或不完全之情的问题不予回答。 让提问者重复此问题。 Don?t repeat negative words, phrases or Treat hostile questioners as sincere, but misinformed 对于不怀好意的提问者也要视做真诚的,只 是未得到正确的信息。 Respond quickly to correct inaccuracies before it becomes a matter of record 对于不实报道要在其尚未扩大以前予以纠正 Tell the journalist you will revert with facts later if you don?t have the information at hand 告知记者对于当前未掌握的信息将随后尽快 发布 Present key points first and repeat them Page 20 GUIDELINES FOR SPOKESPERSON 发言人须知 often. Be brief 先陈述事情的要点再一一重复。简而言之。 Demonstrate concern for guests, employees their families 表示对客人、雇员以及他们家庭的关切。 Stay positive and show you?re in control of both the situation and the interview 保持积极的态度,表现出对事态及访谈的掌 控 Be proactive – give the right facts before they suggest the wrong ones 具有主动性-在不实信息出现前发布准确的信 息 Consult the Regional Managing Director before commenting on sensitive company issues 在回答公司比较敏感的问题时提前咨询区域 运营总监 Finish the interview politely, then leave the journalist with the clear impression you?re the authorised spokesperson 礼貌地结束访问然后离开。要使记者意识到 自己是单位合法授权发言人。 questions (use ?died? instead of ?killed?) 切忌重复使用消极的语句和问题(用死 亡而不是被杀) Don?t be insensitive to feelings of victims, staff and public 切忌表现出对死难者、员工以及公众的漠不 关心 Never speculate on what caused an emergency ; cost of damage; when normal operations will resume, etc 切忌擅自猜测事故的起因;事故造成的损 失;以及何时重新运营等 Never say No Comment. Don?t be evasive in your answers 切忌回避问题。切忌无可奉告等回答。 Do not offer personal opinions. Don?t be drawn into extensive discussion of what has occurred 切忌阐述个人看法。不要将自己陷入泛泛讨 论中去。 Don?t end the interview abruptly and appear to be in a rush 切忌突然或匆忙地结束访问。 Page 21 MEDIA CALL SCREENING 媒体来电筛分 Screening each media call helps the PR Rep. to decide if he/she is to take the call directly or re-direct it to the appropriate colleague with the right technical expertise. It also helps manage caller traffic to avoid a deluge of calls. 筛分每一个来自媒体的电话,以帮助公关代表决定哪些电话可以直接接听、或通过 专门的技术人才直接 转给其他适当的同事。这也有助于来电管理并有效防止来电泛滥问题。 1. Ask for the journalist?s name, publication, or broadcast station 询问记者的姓名、出版物名称或者电台名称 2. Identify the reason for the call, interest and scope of the story 辨析来电原因,意图以及欲采访的内容 3. If you?re not the appropriate person to speak on the subject, quickly arrange for a suitable person to call the journalist back 如接听者非恰当的回答者,立即安排由合适的人去回复。 4. Ask the reporter if your response will be taped directly off the phone (typical of radio interviews) 询问采访者你的回答是否正在被录音(针对电台采访) 5. If interview is taped directly, clarify questions with the journalist before replying 如采访被录音,在回答前向记者确认问题。 6. If possible, ask for a written list of questions via fax or email 如可能,让记者通过邮箱或传真将问题的书面清单发来。 7. Find out when the deadline is and revert as soon as possible 了解最后期限并尽快回复。 Page 22 MEDIA CALL SCREENING 媒体来电筛分 8. Get the journalist?s contact number and email address before putting down the phone 挂断电话前向记者询问记者的电话号码和邮箱地址。 Page 23 CLEARANCE PROCESS FOR MEDIA RELEASES 媒体发布程序 It is critical that all media releases get clearance from the respective Department Heads and final approval secured from the GM and Inzone Tourism Company High Star Hotel Administration Dept prior to media dissemination. Ensure that key messages are included in the press releases. 所有的新闻稿在公布于众之前必须经过部门总监/总经理和银座旅游集团高星级酒店运营本部 的最后批准。确保在新闻稿涵盖了核心所有内容。 1 PR Manager drafts Press Release with factual input from relevant departments 公关经理收集来自各部门信息拟出初稿。 2 Press Release is routed to key hotel executives for approval: 新闻稿需经以下批准程序 i) Department Heads: Sales Marketing, Human Resources, Director of Finance, where applicable 部门总监:市场营销部门,人力资源部,财务总监,涉及到的其他部门 ii) General Manager 酒店总经理 iii) Inzone Tourism Company High Star Hotel Administration Dept 银座旅游集团高星级酒店运营本部 3 Amendments, if any, are made. Then, the PR Manager proceeds to disseminate the release. Keep record of dissemination list Page 24 CLEARANCE PROCESS FOR MEDIA RELEASES 媒体发布程序 如有问题及时修正。然后公关经理向外部发布信息。保存好发布信息的清单。 4 Hotel PR Manager monitors local media for coverage and completes the Media Monitoring Report to be submitted to General Manager and copied to the Director, Corporate Communications Public Relati ons, Inzone Tourism Company High Star Hotel Administration Dept 酒店的公关经理密切关注酒店信息在外界媒体的发布情况并及时向酒店总经理和银座旅游集团高 星级酒店运营本部汇报。 Page 25 CALL CHANNELING 来电渠道 At the onset of a crisis, guest contact staff may face challenging questions from corporate clients, guests and business partners. The guidelines below describe how to handle such calls in a crisis. An appropriate response, with sufficient information, curbs speculation and distortion of facts. Professionally handled phone calls uphold the hotel?s reputation and its relationship with various stakeholders. Ensure that all statements are cleared with your GM (and Corporate Communications and Public Relations, as required) before issuing to the respective Departments. 当危机开始时,面客的员工可能会面临一些来自公司客户、客人及商务合作伙伴的有挑战性的问题。以 下将为危机中的此类来电提供指导。一个恰当且包含充足信息的回答将会避免事实的曲解。专业的去接 听电话将会提升酒店的声誉以及酒店与股票持有者之间的关系。确保在任何信息发至各部门前向总经理 (公司关系部和公关。