要素;,为此,我们四处寻找有韧性的员工,刻意去培养孩子的韧性品质,也希望打造自身的韧性。书店里也充斥着各种有关韧性的书。 其中一本就是麦克阿德的《失败的积极面》(The Up Side of Down: Why Failing Well Is the Key to Success)。另一本是心理学教授大卫费尔德曼(David B. Feldman)和记者李丹尼尔卡拉维兹(Lee Daniel Kravetz)合著的《超级幸存者》(Supersurvivors: The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success)。它讲述了一些历经重创者的故事,他们或差点被癌症夺去生命,或遭遇截肢或重度颅脑损伤,或经历丧子之痛,这些重创成了他们生命中的催化剂。他们不仅仅是获得了成长;他们彻彻底底改变了自己的命运,;作者写道,甚至在承受重创时,他们就已经重新认识并超越了自身的苦难。; 《失败的积极面》 梅根麦克阿德 出版社:维京出版社 出版时间:2014年 这些书籍与畅销书《儿童如何成功》(How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character)一脉相承,该书曾被连篇累牍地报道。在《儿童如何成功》一书中,作者保罗图赫(Paul Tough)回顾了以往的学术研究,并向读者介绍了一些强调性格特征发展而非认知能力的创新教育项目。 《儿童如何成功》 保罗图赫、霍顿米夫林 出版社:哈考特出版社 出版时间:2012年 这类非虚构类作品无疑丰富了成功学书籍。图赫的作品实至名归,因为它会改变父母对儿童情感构成的看法,以及他们希望孩子培养的品质。阅读费尔德曼和卡拉维兹的作品,你会深受启发,了解影响韧性的一些因素,其中包括宗教信仰、原谅的能力和对死亡的认知,但对于如何走出逆境,你可能还看不到一幅清晰的路线图。麦克阿德的作品妙趣横生,有些方面也很有见地。 但是,我很担心这些作品太过理想化。战胜逆境当然值得称赞,但如今它有时被视为个人经历的必要组成部分。一窥成功人士的人生,你会发现他们的成功都是建立在失败之上的。;麦克阿德写道。这种说法有些过度夸张。事实上,我更赞同她的另一项观察:很多被我们定义为失败;的事情其实只是由随机事件造成的意外或简单的失误,通常情况下毫无意义,也无法从中找到获得成功的启示。 《超级幸存者》 大卫费尔德曼 李丹尼尔卡拉维兹 出版社:HarperWave 出版时间:2014年 韧性的概念被过度炒作,但是当我进一步阅读时,我渐渐看到一些修正这种做法的迹象。在创业圈,有些人已在谴责某种失败癖;。他们指出,快速失败然后摒弃初创公司另起炉灶的行为或已变成荣誉勋章。从失败中获得耻辱是一件令人兴奋的事,;著名风险投资家马克安卓森说,但我们发现创业者们太快放弃了或许,现在我们真要为这种行为增加点耻辱感。; 一些教育家已经开始质疑韧性和毅力的重要性。在《被宠坏的孩子的神话》(The Myth of the Spoiled Child)中,知名作家兼演说家阿尔菲科恩(Alfie Kohn)认为,过分强调勤奋和自控能力往往会削弱儿童的创造力,阻碍自我意识的发展,并磨灭他们的个性。他指出韧性研究的逻辑是循环逻辑,比如,西点军校的一项研究发现,那些认为自己勇气卓越的人更容易完成艰巨的暑期培训课程。(这项研究)貌似证明只有有毅力的人才能坚持下去。;他写道。他说得有道理:只要我们对成功;的定义是对那些努力工作之人的巨大回报,那么只要坚持不懈,克服困难,任何人都可能成功。这难道不是基本常识吗? 毫无疑问,有韧性是一种美德,谁不想自己或者心爱之人身上具有一点这项品质呢?但是,随着时间的推移,我想人们对韧性的认知也会有所改变,它将不再是最重要的情感组成部分,在构成性格和人品的理想要素中,它也不再占据核心位置。我渴望成为有韧性、有毅力、有勇气之人,但我也希望通过聪明、合理的手段尽量减少创伤。 我们真正需要的是一条不需要濒临死亡就能通往强大和成功的道路,希望未来不再有那么多人将坐牢视为最棒的经历。 《被宠坏的孩子的神话》 阿尔菲科恩 出版社:达卡波出版社 出版时间:2014年 丹尼尔麦金是《哈佛商业评论》英文版高级编辑。 英文摘要 Executive Summaries July 2014* * *SPOTLIGHT ON THE NEW MARKETING ORGANIZATION Marketing has changed profoundly in the past 10 years in response to the digital revolution. To keep up, organizational structures, decision-making processes, roles, and responsibilities all need to change as well. In most companies, that hasnt happened.* * *MARKETING The Ultimate Marketing Machine Marc de Swaan Arons, Frank van den Driest, and Keith Weed Though social and digital media are rapidly transforming marketing and new tools emerge daily, in most firms the organization of the function hasnt changed in 40 years. How should marketers revamp their strategies, structures, and capabilities to meet the new realities? To find out, the consultancy Effective- Brands and its partners conducted a study involving 10,000 marketers from 92 countries, which examined what separated high-performing marketers from the pack. High performers, the study showed, excelled in three areas: integrating data about what customers are doing with an understanding of why they are doing it; communicating a brand purpose (the functional, emotional, and societal benefits of the offering); and delivering a total experience; to customers. To provide this kind of experience, high performers break down silos and enlist the help of the entire organization. That means they must link marketing strategy tightly to business strategy and to other functions; inspire employees across the company with the brands purpose; focus and align around a few key priorities; set up nimble, cross-functional teams; and build internal capabilities through extensive training at all levels. Surprisingly, few companies have been able to put all these pieces together. Only half of even highperforming organizations excel on some of these capabilities. But that shouldnt be discouraging; rather, it just illuminates where theres work to do. HBR Reprint R1407C* * *DECISION MAKING Decision-Driven Marketing Aditya Joshi and Eduardo Giménez The gap between marketers aspirations and what their organizations can accomplish creates intense pressure to reshape how marketing is done. In recent years some leading companies have developed an innovative approach that focuses on the seams between marketing and the other functions it interacts withthe C-suite, IT, sales, finance, and so on. It is at these seams that communication most often breaks down and processes stall. Typically, three categories of marketing-related decisions cross o